Dag 32 589, Mårtenstorget den 20 maj 2017

För exakt ett år sedan gästas Mårtenstorget av Srinagar Bienale, Malmö node, Conflicting Spaces. I samarbete med Krognoshuset uppför Kaur Chimuk en performance; conflicting expression.

In The Name Of Lost Memories, en utvidgad version av conflicting expression framfördes på Skånes Konstförening två veckor senare.

This idea is the extended version of artist previous work ”conflicting expression”, this work is intimate solidarity towards the absence of all artist from conflicting land. More than anything this performance is a subtle interaction, between ‘‘preconceived gaze’’ and ‘‘intimation of expression’ of existing conflicting spaces. The conflict is between the experience of real with absence, the idea of ‘state/nation’ with ‘freedom’ and with absolute idea compared with hypothetical space.

Kaur Chimuk



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